TLDR : We are going to build a distributed system for vegetable shop using RPC in Golang

In this article, I am going to talk about few implementations in distributed computing area. This project is a part of my MSc curriculum. There are different ways of implementing distributed systems, but in this post I am going to use RPC with Go lang. Just to give a quick recap, we are going to build vegetable store using DS concepts.

This application consists of mainly two parts - server and client.

Server acts as a separate machine where the veg store is. And it would register the veg store in the RPC server and client will invoke these procedures remotely. Also there is a common module where we store all the common structs of server and client.

Before all the talking I will list all the required documents for this implementation. In case you need a help, you can always refer to them.

  1. Sample code :

  2. Golang RPC module :

  3. Demo video :